Puerto Rican tales of kosherness, compassionate conservatism, the War on Terror and the calling.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

In Light Of What Has Happened

Sabbath Services (KC)

1st Part (by: Mr. Millich) “Damage Control”

In response to Mr. Bryce’s and other allegations found rampant on the web. (Ed’s note: Issues raised are numbered and the Church’s response is in bullet points. I hope this is of some help to you all.)

To allegations that the Church does not encourage free thought or questions:
The Church is NOT against questions.
-it is more than willing to answer questions.
-the problem is not with the questions, it is with rebellion and heresy. When people are rebelling against God or promoting heresy then the Church has to take action.
-if the Church is wrong about something, it will change.


We live in a “greater Church of God” era
There is only one Church of God.

Rev. 3:1-6 God separated the eras from each one; the people from the Sardis era were spiritually dead but there were a few who were alive when Mr. Armstrong began to lay the foundations for the Radio Church of God, later the Worldwide Church of God. Even though God was working with Philadelphia there were still people from the Sardis era alive.

Rev. 3:7-13 The Philadelphia era is still functioning. There were going to be people with little followings and that’s why God exhorts us to hold fast to the Truth.

Rev. 3:14-22 Christ loves the people in Laodicea. God chastens every son whom He loves.

We are the remnant of the Philadelphia era living in a Laodicean age.

Rev. 2:18,25; 3:3 There are remnants of other eras that will be around when Christ returns.

Rev. 12:13-17 Satan wishes to destroy the Church and its fragments.

The separation of the Philadelphian and Laodicean eras occurred with the apostacy.

Makeup is a sin
Is. 3:16 Misprint on the translation.

Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Meredith have advocated a sound, middle of the road approach
Mr. Armstrong never went back and forth on the Sabbath, the Holy Days, repentance, the gospel of the Kingdom. He (and we thereafter) has stood fast on the important things and has not compromised on those issues.
The only difficulties have been in judgments.

LCG is preaching a mixed-up message of the gospel
· The gospel is preached the same way it always has been.
· We’re not confused or “mixed-up” about the gospel’s message.
· The Church has NEVER advocated Sabbath breaking. (This was in response to some things Mr. Millich read online where an issue with the Sabbath was brought up in Alabama. Mr. Millich wanted to put that to rest because he used to be the Pastor in the area and knew about the situation more than those who commented on it.) He also added, “No one gets away with anything, we all stand before God!”

LCG teaches a three-fold commission
· The Ezekiel warning message is part of our commission. Preaching the gospel to all nations as a witness, preparing the flock and blowing the Ezekiel trumpet warning is all part of God’s Church commission.

LCG is categorizing sins (smoking, chewing tobacco, using drugs are not terrible sins and it is condoned)
· The Church does not categorize sins.
· The Church does try to help people who have addictions and tries to help them overcome.

Mat. 7:18-23 The Church, as Christ Himself said, believes that the weightier matters of the law define us. These you ought to not have undone!

LCG teaches that it is ok to meet in halls with holiday decorations
· We cannot always meet in the ideal places but the important thing is that we meet on the Sabbath to honor God.
· What are going to do? Are we to say, “let’s not meet this Sabbath because our hall has holiday decorations?” It is preposterous to compromise meeting on the Sabbath because of the hall’s decorations.

LCG teaches a different way of tithing than what Mr. Armstrong advocated
· Tithing off your net income has always been taught and practiced and will continue to be.
· Mr. Millich also gave the example of past cases that because of some Asian countries’ high rates of taxation, people were not able to give a third tithe. Mr. Armstrong understood that in some countries it was impossible to keep a third tithe when people were being taxed upwards of 75-80% of their income. Giving that third tithe would have not allowed those people to buy food and sustenance. Things like this happen sometimes and rulings must be made to ensure people’s well-being.

2nd Part (by: Mr. Millich) “Church Government”

Ed’s note: Mr. Millich was reading from a 1974 letter from Mr. Armstrong regarding the makeup issue. He wanted to use HWA’s own words so we could compare it with what Mr. Meredith has been saying all along. The letter was not so much about makeup as it was stating the importance of Church government. So the following points all come from Mr. Armstrong’s letter.

Satan has not given up his assault on God’s Work. We must guard against those attacks. He rebelled against God’s government in the beginning and he has tried to destroy God’s government in God’s Church. If he destroys God’s government in God’s Church then he can cripple the gospel message from getting out to the world. (Mr. Millich proceeded to add: “Which group is using the most of its resources in preaching the gospel? The Living Church of God has been doing God’s Work!”)

1 Cor. 1:10 We are exhorted to not allow divisions come between us and be joined together with the mind of Christ. To have that same mind and that same judgment.

God has not chosen perfect men to do His Work. Christ chose imperfect men who are willing to follow Him unconditionally.

The source of Church government is from God
-The head of the Church is Jesus Christ Himself. He leads the Church, has led it and will continue to lead it until His Second Coming.

Mat. 16:18 The Church of God is headed by Jesus Christ, the Rock of the Old Testament.

Eph. 1:15-23 Christ is the head of the Church, all things are put under His feet.

Heb.11:1,6 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

We understand that we are not a “spiritual democracy”

Numb. 12:1,5-9 Moses was not perfect, he made mistakes but he was faithful to God.

Numb. 16:1-3, 28-30 Korah’s rebellion against God’s established form of government through Moses and the repercussions: they were swallowed up by the earth.

Eph. 4 Roles and offices in God’s Church to ensure order, to establish sound doctrine and to feed God’s people. These are God ordained positions and He is the one who places people in those positions.


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