Puerto Rican tales of kosherness, compassionate conservatism, the War on Terror and the calling.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Quick update

Hello to all! A lot has gone on since I last updated my blog post-Feast. Crazy things have been going on all over the place. I'll sum it up in the following:
1. I got a job in KC and I've been living temporarily with the Millich's. The job isn't going so well, but the experience should be a plus. The Millich's have been so supportive and helpful and a great influence in my life.

2. The War on Terror has gone terribly bad. To those who understand the analogy, you'll get a kick out of it. It is both literal and metaphorical. Democrats have gained power in Congress and we brace ourselves for a critical 2-year stretch. Voices from all over are advocating cuttin' 'n runnin' while a few actually still stand for something.

3. Once again the Church is up against the forces of Satan as he tries to destroy what God has put in place. It's amazing how so much has changed in so little time. I do have sermon notes forthcoming from this past Sabbath as Mr. Millich did a wonderful job of countering the false allegations that are spewing all over the Internet about God's Church.

4. Life has presented new twists and turns and I seem to be stuck at the fork on the road with no idea as to where to go. Friendships have changed dramatically or have even been lost for difficult reasons. Harsh judgments have been cast and now I must learn how to deal with it all. Regardless, I continue to press toward the ultimate goal of God's Kingdom.

5. As stated above, some friends have come to the forefront and become people I could not envision life without. Buddies such as Jeremy and Richard Pomicter, Tiffani, Erin, Annie have all been there for me during these hard times. Thanks to my buddies :)

Well, I'm out and I'll post some more in a little while! Hope you guys are all doing well!


Blogger Annette said...

Hey Martin, what kind of job did you get?

5:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey martin, I've been meaning to give you a call bu haven't gotten around to it. I hope the events of life haven't given you too much trouble, stay strong bro.

9:12 AM


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