Puerto Rican tales of kosherness, compassionate conservatism, the War on Terror and the calling.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Se ven bien las cosas :)

I had written something a couple of days ago and saved the draft but I think it is so pointless that I figure I should just write an entirely new post. Not much has gone on the past couple of days here except for a few things here and there about small things.

It all starts off this past Wednesday night when I was headed to the Rec to play some basketball with a friend of mine and I put my student ID card inside my shoe (like I've done before) and started the whole 15 minute walk to that side of campus. So for some reason I decided to stop once we're about 5 minutes away from the Rec to check if my ID card was still in my shoe and to my surprise it wasn't (panicking mode!). So my friend and I retrace our steps all the way back to the dorm building and we weren't able to find it. So we decide to play ball at State Gym and had a good time. I didn't play my best but I came on strong in the latter part of the game. It always seems that it takes me a while to get going when I'm playing b-ball, as if I have to calm my nerves and anxiousness to do too much while starting out to play. Hmmm, I guess it's something I need to keep working on, although I'm happy that I have a more consistent jumper and my ball handling keeps improving.

After playing ball I came back to my room and checked my email and thankfully this girl found my ID card and all that although I'm still waiting for her to put it in campus mail or something like that. Not much has gone on since then, I've been working out a little bit every day so I feel good about that. I always feel better when I'm active in sports or some sort of physical activity, but I think I've been feeling better for different reasons though.
I've been more diligent in reading my Bible, praying and I can see the difference in how my day goes. That's not to say that I am doing everything right, far from it but I'm trying harder to put God first and see how all the chips fall in place. I don't know about any of you guys but that's probably been the hardest thing for me to accomplish in my life. I've always tried too hard to do things myself, when things became difficult I would kinda go solo and deal with things in a very fleshly, hard headed way (some of you out there are probably saying, "no kidding"). I'm still worried about how this year is going to go, life after-school, career, place to live, etc. I'm in a little bit of a panic mode because I want to know what exactly I want to be doing the rest of my life, where I am going to live (I don't know if I want to stay in the Midwest, move East or down South). A lot of researching and decision making that is going to be taking place in the next couple of weeks and months but I know it'll be ok. God will put me in the path the He knows is best for me, even if I don't realize it at the moment.
I had a great Sabbath too this past weekend. Something about it that made it extra special and joyful than the previous Sabbaths. We had a great sermon by Mr. Bryce titled "The Greatness of God, Part 2" which was wonderful and incredibly nourishing. Although every time I hear that there's a part 1 & 2 of certain sermons I'm always thinking that there's a remix involved, I guess that's because of all the R&B/hip hop I've heard in my life :) I'm always expecting like some DJ mixing up the opening music or something like that :) It's a wonderful sermon by the way and I highly recommend it for any of you out there who hasn't seen it yet. So I talked to quite a few people after Church but the plus was being able to talk to Sabrina on the phone. She returned my phone call from the night before and we talked a little while as she was driving back from Church to JMU. Quite an awesome conversation too, plus she digged the fact that my message invoice is in Spanish so nobody understands what the machine is saying. What can I say, I like to be different :)
All in all, it's been good and I just have to make sure I keep doing my part in everything while God takes care of the rest. Now I have to try and find a job right now to give myself some sort of income for this semester :)


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