Puerto Rican tales of kosherness, compassionate conservatism, the War on Terror and the calling.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I was confused...

After much contemplation over what to post about I did not reach any sort of consensus within me. I have been doing a lot of thinking over many things in my life. This is usually the case when I do long road trips and have lots of time thinking, analyzing, and remembering over things as I drive for countless hours without stopping.

I went to Canada for my spring break which was to run from March 13-17 but I made sure I got my school work done beforehand. I was planning on staying overnight in Chicago to spend time with my best buddy Jonny G and do our usual late night talking about the deepest topics, those closest to our hearts. I left on Thursday 9th after staying up all night on Wednesday and got to Chi-town to spend some time with the G man. I broke my own record done this past Feast of staying up for 41 hours by being awake for a full 48 hours! Yep, pretty ridiculous yet you would be surprised what you are able to achieve with caffeine pills, lack of eating, driving, and conversatin' all night with 2 awesome people will do.

I would go into more detail about my trip but I'm just not feeling too well tonight. I've been doing too much thinking and that's a problem in itself. I'm in a contemplative mood yet I don't want to act on my instincts because I fear what may come out....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Martín, espero que pronto puedas despejar tu mente de todos esos pensamientos que te confunden tanto. Se lo triste que puede ser el sentirse confundido, pero se ve que tienes muchos amigos que te quieren y se preocupan por ti, así que no te preocupes y recuerda que con Dios no hay obstáculo invencible. Cuidate mucho y que pases un felíz Sábado!

2:14 PM

Blogger Desiree said...

I don't know to what instincts Jon is referring... but I'm a big proponent of instincts.

A worthless addition to the converstion, but I know you like comments :).

10:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with thinking. seek wize council, you'll know the right thing to do.

4:09 AM


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