Puerto Rican tales of kosherness, compassionate conservatism, the War on Terror and the calling.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Why'd you go and make things so complicated?

I appreciate the comments from everyone on my last post. I think it is the post that has garnered the most response since last summer (after my Grant Hill experience). I would like to type more on this and other subjects, but unfortunately I have an astronomy midterm staring me in the face. How is it possible that I can wait until 2am for the serious studying to begin? And I am possibly going to take a nap beforehand because I am so tired. This does not bode well for a test that I have to take at 6:30pm. :(

Useless! A part of me wants to not care about this midterm but the "panicky" student in me is saying to cram as much as I can and pull off another good grade for this semester. It shall be a long night/morning indeed. I can't skip out on my journalism class because the prof might give a surprise quiz and I already missed one this semester so there goes my freebie "lowest score" one. Blah...life cannot get any suckier for me this week.

Fortunately though Thursday night is looking like a dandy of a night. One of my friends from work is playing a gig with his band at night. I think his band starts playing at around 11ish and I'm hoping the night includes some awesome music and cheap drinks. I'm celebrating after the drubbing my brain will take from astronomy...


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