Puerto Rican tales of kosherness, compassionate conservatism, the War on Terror and the calling.

Monday, December 12, 2005

2 down, 3 to go...oh and a research paper

Well I took care of my History of England take home final that was due today at noon, which was followed by the massacre/mass suicide/GPA killing, I mean, final exam from History of Mexico at noon as well. Yep, I think I got handled by the Mexico final but I think so did everybody else but I already know that I messed on one of the ID's and they were only worth 20 points each. No problem because the long essay was worth 150 points, along with the short essay being 50 points and 5 ID's worth 20 each. Yeah, I want to just bury myself right now....I knew I shouldn't have slept those 3 hours this morning. It completely cramped my study time. Blah!

On the good news I get to write up a take home for my military history class due at noon tomorrow, along with studying for my Politics and Society test that I'll take tomorrow at 4:30. And the great news about this is that I work tonight from 7-midnight which will cramp my study/writing time for both tests.

If that wasn't bad enough I have to find time to do laundry, pack, shower, and eat too. Oh and I have my 14-17 page research paper for my Mexican history class due Friday, but since I'm flying out Thursday that means I need to have it done by Wednesday. Oh and I have a final to take for International Security on Wednesday afternoon as well. Yes folks, it doesn't get any better than this. So why am I blogging instead of getting it done?


Blogger Josh K said...

Why? Becuase you are a stud, and you know you'll come out on top, and you blog just to flaunt this fact to higher education.
Take THAT higher education!

9:37 PM

Blogger Annette said...

How does this happen?? :)

11:21 PM


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