Puerto Rican tales of kosherness, compassionate conservatism, the War on Terror and the calling.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I know, I know, I've been neglecting you guys

I'm basically crammed for time, stressed about school ending, finals, papers to write, avoiding baggy eyes, try to sleep in order to function, and here I am trying to resurrect the blog after neglecting it for so long. Shows where my priorites are huh?
Things have been pretty hectic the past couple of weeks. If you read Jon's blog then you'll know where I was during Thanksgiving week. It basically sums up how my year went: traveling, traveling, traveling. Now I'm trying to end the semester on a good note and make sure I pass my classes so I can graduate with no problems in May or August. I've got internship applications to do (already been accepted to one), job applications to fill out, and all that fun grown up stuff that I guess I should be getting used to.
It doesn't help that some computer geek creates something as addictive as facebook.com or music downloading programs. It's been quite the challenge to break the lazy habits of college (which actually began my senior year of high school). I have to make sure that I stay in the right path of life in spiritual terms. Too often I get bogged down and distracted by the everyday issues of life and ignore the importance of reading, praying, meditating. The thing is that I know better than that and yet I let the human nature do the things I disapprove of. I hate and abhore that part, because I feel like I'm taking God's grace for granted. I know God is all loving, forgiving, and merciful but I don't want to be all-protestantish and abuse that mercy and grace because I DO know better. Then again, I read Romans 7 over and over again and understand how strong that battle is, I just wish I could end up on the winning side close to most of the time.
Well this will have to do for now since I've got so much to do and I shouldn't be fooling around with this. Good news that by this time next week I'll be in KC chillin' at the hotel, enjoying the open bar (oh yeah!), toasting to the fact that the semester is over, and flying to PR to spend two weeks with family and friends! I know there's some stuff I was going to post some stuff about immigration, the Iraq war, and the other interesting stuff I study. It's forthcoming though and I'll post it and you guys can opiniate all you want.


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