Puerto Rican tales of kosherness, compassionate conservatism, the War on Terror and the calling.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I am all you ever wanted...

It's been a week or so since I blogged and even though I should be doing some schoolwork I felt compelled to give an update. School has been horrendous, atrocious, complicated, and difficult to understand, but I'm trying to make some progress on some of the stuff I missed on. Classes have been ok, nothing special. My performance has been average at best, I started off with a bang but that week and a half at the Feast really put me back and I guess at a disadvantage when I got back. I took two tests, one for International Security and another one for Politics and Society, and let's just say that when half the questions on both tests are regarding lecture and what each professor said I didn't have much chance to answer them correctly. Oh well, I'm still graduating in May so that's what I'm focused on, plus I can always do well during finals and next semester as well.
I booked my trip to my island of Puerto Rico the island of enchantment this past weekend and I am pumped! I am actually able to go back for about 15 days and fly back to KC in time for the Church weekend there for New Year's Eve. I'm hoping that it does occur because I planned my trip around it. I fly out from KC on December 15th (Thursday) and have already talked to my profs about taking the Friday finals earlier in the week, which will my study time. Oh well, I can't wait to have the time with my family, friends, the beach, the tropical rain forest, the homemade food, the PR congregation, the warm weather...it's always a blast. Plus, I'll be able to talk to my parents about some stuff and get their input on life's questions and get their advice. I've been pretty good at listening to my parents most of the time and I'm hoping I do this time around too.
It was a tough last for me in a lot of ways. My Grandfather from my Dad's side had not been feeling well since he suffered a heart attack a couple of weeks ago. He was in his 90's and was probably the strongest and smartest man I would ever come across in life. I hadn't seen him since I graduated from high school so it has been a while. My Dad has been taking it pretty hard as expected, but the comforting thing is that the next time we see him the world will be a better place and he will have a chance to know the Truth. Moments like what these make school and money issues seem so unimportant, and they are because in the grand scheme of things the material stuff does not matter.
There's also been things that have come up that have dampened my spirits a bit as well. I'm trying not to get discouraged because I do know better and I know that God will see me through. I was reading my best buddy Jon's blog and there's so much I can identify with. So many life changing/important decisions to make, so many variables and dependents which are still being defined and experimented on. I'm hoping I can make the RIGHT decision, mold and shape my future and do well, but I have no idea what is in store. In any case, I will just keep trying my hardest at what I do and then maybe then it will be good enough...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats too bad about your grandpa bro, I hope everything works out on your end. It is good news about the Kingdom though, it will be an awesome time. Stay strong, we're all in this together.

7:18 AM

Blogger Michael said...

Sorry to hear about your Gramps, Martin. You guys didn't get hit by the tornadoes this weekend, did you?

7:26 PM

Blogger Martin said...

Thanks for the concern guys. Mike to answer your question, don't worry we were fine during the tornadoes this weekend. I was getting a bit worried because Mike Dorothy and I were on our way back from Church and I was definitely doing some inside praying hoping that we can get to our building safely. The campus is on the west side of town so we were ok. Thanks goes to God for being merciful :)

3:18 PM


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